by Matthew Glanfield January 25, 2021

Valentine’s day is just around the corner and we want to let any lost fitters know there is someone here at Blum for them. Among our Technical team we have a Chippy, Plumber, Engineer, and even an ex-police officer: Find your match today!



Peter Sharratt

Profile: Pete is a fine carpenter; he loves riding his bikes and exploring the countryside. When he is not delivering product training, he can be found on our LIVE SUPPORT app looking for a 5-star review. Warning he will use up all your tea bags!

Favourite Product: POCKET DOOR, he can’t wait to get his hands on one.




David Grant

Profile: Dave loves football but not as much as his dog. What’s more, he can fit in to confined spaces with ease which is great for fitting hinges or getting a good view for planning kitchen cabinets. Unfortunately, he is a Chelsea supporter.

Favourite Product: Dave loves them all equally, they are like his children.




Matthew Glanfield

Profile: With a love of camping and being the proud owner of all the survival gear you could need, making Matt the perfect partner for a Zombie apocalypse. There was one incident with an axe, but we don’t talk about it. 

Favourite Product: Cabinet Configurator and EASYSTICK





Russell Green

Profile: With a passion for landscaping and all things practical, some people say he is the spit of Robert Llewellyn - you know Kryten from Red Drawf. He likes keeping his fitness up and he has a caravan, so free holidays all round. 

Favourite Product: AVENTOS HK Top





Kevin Souter

Profile: He is very hands on, using them frequently for putting drawer samples together for our sales team. Being a Millwall Supporter and a little too loud, many have heard his customer service skills from the next room.

Favourite Product: The Mighty Hinge





Andrew House

Profile: Keen cyclist, fisherman, and actor with a passion for re-enactments. All of this can get very tiring, making his gift of falling asleep anywhere very useful. Andy's passion for machines will often have him talking customers through every option to their perfect match.

Favourite Product: The ultra-reliable MINIPRESS P



Written by Kevin Souter - Blum Technical Team

Matthew Glanfield
Matthew Glanfield


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